Monday, November 25, 2013

Excerpts from my e-book "9 Sacred Steps to Healing a Broken Heart"

     An important part in my growth into spiritual partnership has been healing my broken heart.  It seems that broken heartedness comes from all of the attachments to relationships being a certain way, lasting forever, having my life and identity stay the same, fear about change, and longing for that deep sense of oneness and soul connection that can so often elude us even though it is right under our noses.  I have spent much of my life exploring this healing process very deeply and recently became inspired to write an e-book on my experiences and offer practical steps for people to use in their healing.  An important part of this healing for me has been the creative process and writing.  So this book and the poems in it represent my soul's dance with my heart.  Enjoy.

9 Sacred Steps to Heal a
Broken Heart
by Sama Morningstar

Ribs Too Small
The skin stretched across my chest
is so thin
and my ribs too small
to contain this heart
raging to the touch of long lost kin
dancing under one bright star
piercing through twilight
dropping softly over this silvery lake
I fly down winding roads
following the beckoning
the tender whisperings
the bitter wail of longing
that licks the edges of silence
hillsides crumble, boulders roll in the rain
branches creak and tremble in the wind
fire destroys and regenerates the land
and I am devastated by this love
wide eyed and breathless
I step off the edge of now

Here you are, feeling alone, dissatisfied with life, in pain, pining after a lost love. Maybe you are heartbroken because of a breakup, or maybe someone you love has died. Maybe it was a dream or way of life that has come to an end. Maybe you just can't seem to find happiness and joy in life. We all long so deeply for that lasting feeling of love and oneness that we feel when we are in love and together with someone, together with family and close friends, and yet it often eludes us. It has eluded me many times. I have entered into many relationships, built up many identities and lifestyles, feeling so clearly that yes, this is finally the “one” that I can merge with completely, the one with whom I can feel totally relaxed with, totally at home, only to be disappointed as I watch my dreams dissolve and disappear.

The feelings of disappointment, pain, loss, and sorrow are very familiar to me. In fact, I am feeling them as I write this book. The interesting thing that I am learning about those feelings, however, is that they are in me regardless of my life circumstances. I get just as nervous and fearful, doubtful of my abilities when things are going well as when they seem to be going badly. I feel the same feelings in my heart when I am starting a new romantic love relationship as when I am ending one. The only difference is the preferences I have about it. When I am starting something new, I love it, I am filled with joy about the possibilities to come and I tend to focus on that instead of my fears about how things will work out. When something I love is ending, I am sad about the things that are over and fearful about whether or not anything good will ever happen again. I end up focusing on the fear. It seems I am having all of the same feelings, just focusing on different things. The truth is, something must end for anything to begin. The preferences I have about any one part of the process of change are the cause of my suffering.

The steps in this book have helped me many times to move more smoothly through the process of change. They shift my focus to what is actually happening now and how it actually feels, allowing me to embrace each moment with loving presence. They encourage me to appreciate the sacredness of everything that happens, every feeling, every movement, every breath. They cultivate a sense of unconditional love for life and for myself. Any brokenness, wrongness, preference or fear I feel dissolves in this well of unconditional love. 

If you would like to read more of this book, please contact by posting a comment about this blog or emailing me at  I look forward to hearing from you.


  1. I eagerly await reading more of this book. Count me in please.

  2. Such a beautiful poem~Finding oneself and truly being happy unconditionally seems to be a life long task for me. I had goose bumps just reading this small article. I would be very interested in reading more ;)
